Windows 10 is retiring in October 2025

Windows 10 Retiring October 2025

As you may have heard already, Windows 10 is putting on its slippers and donning a comfy dressing gown in a lovely little coastal town in Kent starting from October 2025. But what does this mean for you today? How can you prepare?

If your computer is relatively new then it will receive a free upgrade to Windows 11. Enough time has passed for a fair few Windows 11 bugs to have been ironed out. That said, there is no harm in waiting a little longer – the end date for the free Windows 11 Upgrade offer is no sooner than October 2022.

But if you are ready, click on Start and type Check for updates (clicking on the top result) to see if you can get it today.

If your computer does not meet the requirements, however, then by October 2025 your computer will likely be well into old age and ready to be replaced anyway.

Until then, you will be able to use Windows 10 safe in the knowledge that it continues to receive its Security Updates from Microsoft.

If you have bought a new Windows 11 equipped computer already, and would like help transferring everything over from your old computer, by all means drop us a line on 01634 95 95 95 or fill out the form below.

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