
Office 365

Working remotely with Office 365

We have achieved Silver Status in Small and Mid-market Cloud Solutions from Microsoft, which means we have demonstrated a high level of competency to Microsoft.

“Office 365” is actually an umbrella term for a range of product and service subscriptions, and we will meet with you to discuss your required level of subscription – be it email only, or a full SharePoint deployment.

Whether you already have a Server, or you’re a growing small business, with us you will leverage the power of Office 365 to make working in and out of the office as streamlined as possible.

Black Cat IT Support is a Silver Microsoft Partner

We can match the monthly pricing that Microsoft offers, and manage your email accounts for you so you don’t have to. We are also on hand to turn whatever you need into a solution. For example, if a member of staff leaves then let us know and we can “park” their mailbox, making sure someone else receives emails sent to that address. As another example, we can setup a Room Calendar so as bookings can be made and everyone in (and out of) the office can plan meetings in the Conference Room.

On top of all that, we will always let you know ahead of time any costs for moving your emails, and files to Office 365, plus the setup of all your team members’ PCs and Laptops, and mobile devices too.

We really do look after it all for you.

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